Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One thing after another

What a week. My youngest made it through college graduation. I did to. I kept the grand kids. It should have been no big deal. By the time mom & dad came to pick up the kids grandma was trying to maintain with an ice pack to my face. I had a tooth pulled on Tuesday. I thought it went well. Thursday night my jaw was a little sore and tender, more so than on Wednesday. I just figured I'd eaten something that was too much for the freshly riped apart gums. By Friday late evening I wanted to shot myself. Well, by late evening on Friday the dentist isn't in his office, in fact he doesn't even open his office on Friday. I called and left a message. Saturday, I couldn't get my head off the pillow, I called off work and called the dentist again. (usually if we leave a message he gets back to us) Saturday evening I'm digging through drawers looking for antibiotics. I found some and started taking them. Well in the middle of all the jaw pain I also developed a blistery rash on my wrists, ankles and hands. Poison ivy? Poison oak?

So Sunday the jaw is starting to feel a little better but the rash is spreading, not just a little but everywhere. I do mean everywhere. It's not blisters, it's more like very small hives. I haven't decided if it was a good thing to have both going on at the same time or not. Maybe it kept me from realizing how horrible both events were, are.

It's very early Wednesday morning or late Tuesday night and I'm still having both issues. The dentist did call me back Monday A.M. it seems the antibiotic I'm taking should handle the problem. The rash just keeps fading and coming back and spreading to different places. I had to stop taking benadryl I couldn't stay awake. I pretty much slept Monday away.

In years past I had an annual hive event that kept me down and out for a week or more. Since I moved into this house I haven't had that problem. We've been here for 8 years. I'm allergic to something but I'll never know what. So tomorrow will be another day and I'll scratch my way through it.

It seems my entire life if it's unusual, only happens once in million years or nobody's ever heard of or seen such a thing, I'll get it. I've also always been excessively accident prone. So stay tune and check in every once and awhile and maybe I'll be able to entertain you with some strange or exotic accident or illness.

Oh, I got my hair cut Thursday. That's a big deal, I never get my hair cut and I think this is the third time in a year. This time it's short, off my neck short, sides at my ears. I decided I wanted to have one summer without the heat of long hair on my neck and back. I've had hair to my mid back or longer for about 30 years.

1 comment:

Cheer34 said...

I hope you feel better soon ! hives and allergies are awful. been there, have them too