Saturday, April 12, 2008

I'm still alive

So much has been going on. There just aren't enough hours in a day. I never seem to have time to get everything done.

Hubby and I took our camper and went away for 4 days. The weather wasn't the greatest but we enjoyed ourselves. The camper is used and we hadn't taken it anywhere before, so we went someplace close to home. It's an ordeal. The camper is pulled behind my husbands truck and the boat pulls behind my trail blazer. I'm sure we look like some poorly made commercial for Chevy driving down the road.

Fishing wasn't great but we did catch some. Like I said, the weather didn't make for ideal conditions. Two days were chilly and cloudy. Riding in the boat in 50' with a high wind isn't really pleasant but it's better than work. The next two days were great. Highs in the 70's, sun shining. I hated to come home. I checked with the camp ground about their year round sites, there's a two year waiting list, I am now on it.

I went back to work today after 12 days off. By off, I mean I didn't have any grand kids and I didn't have to work. My babysitting starts back up tomorrow.

While we were gone my horses decided they didn't want to stay their nice fenced in enclosure. They broke the fence and spent some time wandering around the property. I fixed their goose. I got a high range electric fence charger and set it up. It was funny to see their reaction when they made first contact. It works. They won't be running off any more.

I've been planting strawberries, I got snap peas out, cabbage and cauliflower out so far. I have 20 tomato plants to put out. I'm waiting until after next week, we're suppose to have some frost Monday and Tuesday nights. I need some grape/tomatoes for the kids. Then beans and cucumbers have to go in.

Fruit trees are loaded, I sure hope the frost isn't real hard. We lost most of our fruit last year because of frost. Last year it got down in the twenty's for 3 days. This time it's only suppose get down in the thirty's and just at night. Hopefully. (gotta love North Carolina weather 80 on Friday and 40 on Monday)

I'm still looking for blueberry bushes. I need 8 more.

My Spring flowers are all in bloom. My roses are full of blossoms. I can't wait.

I need to get started working on the pool so we can open it up by the middle of May.

Sis, the trip in January just got caught up in the craziness. I can't really go any where until after June now because of the babysitting. I told my daughter that I would help her get through college and so I feel I have to finish that out. That's one daughter. I think the other one is going back to school either summer session or in the fall. I'll be watching her daughter then. You have to understand. I made no financial arrangements for the kids college and now I just want to help the only way I know how. Child care is so expensive and then you just don't know what you're getting. At least if I'm watching them the mom's know they are leaving their kids with a crazy, grumpy old woman.


bubbles said...

Try Wayside Gardens for blueberry bushes. I used to order from there a lot. They have a one year replacement guarantee.

Cheer34 said...

I am so glad your posting are a busy person....I think I have black berry bushes in the side yard at our cottage, but am not sure. I love fresh picked berries, not strawberries tho, I am allergic to them. I wish I could have a veggie garden again...maybe next year if I am not working.