Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Short and Brief

I keep starting posts and can't seem to get them finished.

I'm tired. I know one thing for sure. I'm too old to have small children full time. I have 4 grand kids in the house starting Sunday night and not ending until Thursday afternoon. I love them but they are killing me. I couple weeks ago it wasn't so bad. Now I've had it. I have a few more weeks to go. I can't wait until I can just be a grandmother.

Gee, Valentine Day is coming up, for me it's less than an hour away. I haven't been shopping so I'll have to do it after the kids leave tomorrow. I had planned to have stew for dinner tomorrow but that was before I remembered that it's that day. Still having stew, I think.

Horses are starting to loss their winter hair. I can't wait to see what they look like without the fuzz. They are fattening right up and looking good.

My oldest daughter fell while walking a dog and hurt her ankle. We were afraid she might have torn her achiles tendor. After an MRI we were glad to find that she has only bruised her tendon. She was looking at 8 to 12 weeks out work if it was torn, now it's just 1 to 2 weeks.

Thanks for stopping by. I'm tired and it's late. Happy Valentines Day to everyone.


bubbles said...

happy valentine's to you, too!

Today we got a party dress for Thing 1 for a fancy sweet 16 party for a friend.

she is drop dead gorgeous.

love you!

Cheer34 said...

4 grandkids at one time. You must be tired. Happy be lated Valentines day

bubbles said...


Where the heck are the blog updates, anyway???

I've posted old pictures of you! Nah, nah!

Chickens??? Yeah. All dead. Twice. But we're going back in for more.

What the heck happened to your trip in January??? The weather here is FABULOUS right now. Get a ticket.