Friday, September 5, 2008

More baby

Some pictures. Mom and baby were both home by Tuesday. Mom got discharged Monday but didn't leave the hospital until midnight, she didn't want to leave Logan. They got to pick him up Tuesday around 2pm. They are all living in my living room right now. Mommy can't get up on her bed yet. Needless to say Logan is doing fine. He put on almost a pound in 5 days. When he was discharged from the hospital he weighed 4lbs4oz 5 days later he is 5lbs 2oz. He changes everyday. Pay no attention to the date on the photos, this was August 30th.
Today is hurricane day. Hanna is sliding up the coast. I'm about 3 hours from the beach. It's raining a little here not any wind yet. We expect a little wind and a good bit of rain tonight but it shouldn't be anything serious. Ike might give us a run for our money in a couple days. We could use some rain to reverse our draught issues but we don't need it all at once. I haven't put any water up. If we don't have power we won't have water (well needs electricity). I'll just cross my fingers through tonight and prepare better for Ike.
I'm babysitting right now. Mommy and Daddy went out to dinner and to have a couple drinks with friends. I only have tiny Logan. Big sister is at her dad's for the weekend. My youngest daughters boys were here last weekend for all the confusion. The oldest grandson is having his own issues. He has a broken leg. He is in a cast. I feel so bad for him he's having a hard time walking. Hasn't figured out how to walk on his toes without bending at the ankle. He and his dad were playing and dad went to flip him over. Xevin's foot got caught in the couch and it twisted and stayed in the couch as dad flipped him over. Ouch. Dad feels like as ass. When they were in the ER Xevin kept saying "Daddy hurt me". Daddy wanted to crawl in a hole.
Well enough chaos for now. Thanks for stopping by.

1 comment:

Cheer34 said...

it appears there is never a dull moment in your house.........choas is good means we are alive and living.....If I didn't have my kids and dogs creating chaos life would be boring